Yarn or thread count expresses the numerical value of a yarn- and thread’s thickness or fineness. Count can be used for both thread and yarn. But due to the inherent difference in its structures, these have a different end-use. In fact, they are too dissimilar in structure. Sewing thread possesses a special number called ticket number

# Metric Ticket No.
Metric count or number is the system of ticket numbering. It is denoted by Nm. This is the number of meters of thread per gram.
Thread Count Example:
1. Count or number of a thread is Nm 60/1 = 1 gram of single ply thread is 60m long
2. Count or number of a thread is Nm 60/2 = 2 ply thread = 2 gm wt. for 60m long yarn= Each ply has a wt of 1 gm. and ln. of 60m
3. Count or number of a thread is Nm 90/3 = 3 ply thread = 3 gm wt. for 90 m long yarn = Each ply has a wt of 1 gm. and ln. of 90m
Metric Ticker No. = Resultant Count X 3
# Ticket No. Calculation
Metric No. of Thread (Nm) | Resultant Count (C) | Ticket No. (C*3) |
80/2 | 40 | 120 |
80/4 | 20 | 60 |
60/1 | 60 | 180 |
60/2 | 30 | 90 |
60/4 | 15 | 45 |
# Cotton ticket number
Cotton ticket numbers are used for cotton sewing thread. It is denoted by Ne.
For example: Ne 60/3 means sewing thread is 3 plied and the weight of each ply of 60 hanks in 840yds is 1 pound.
# Ticket No Conversion
Cotton ticket to metric ticket conversion
Ne= 0.59 X Nm
If Metric Ticket no. of a thread is 100
Cotton Ticket No. = 0.59 X 100
= 59